About the Prayer Ministry

Our mission is to build a team of fervent, effectual prayer warriors who will help stimulate revival fires across our district and around the world.

We aspire to be a prayerful encouragement to every pastor, minister, church, and our sectional and district officials.

We seek to build a network of sectional prayer coordinators who will assist in facilitating our monthly Tennessee Revival Fires Prayer meetings:

1. Who will be involved in various district wide initiatives and oversee the prayerful needs that arise in their section.

2. Who desire to place a special prayer covering over every district and national event that takes place within our district.

We desire that people feel they can come to us with any need concerning their lives, ministries, and churches, having the confidence that we will enter into agreeing prayer with them and believe that their needs can be met. That our lives will be an inspiration for others to pray with the belief, that corporate and daily consistent prayer is the key element, and the fuel that brings strength and victory in every area of their lives, ministries, and churches.